29Rooms: Branding Pitch
Logo: Natalia Grosner
NYC is the original host to 29Rooms—Refinery29’s stellar and interactive exhibition featuring 29 rooms designed by retail brands, artists, celebrities and other creatives. Located inside an abandoned building somewhere in New York, the annual immersive funhouse is one of the most Instagrammed New York attractions of the year. For this project, each person in my team was tasked to rebrand and pitch the event using its original logo (above). I approached this rebrand following what I felt when we visited it as it was being built.
Uzumaki Cepeda: “Teenage Bedroom” for 29Rooms
From the experience of walking through the rooms, I created a series of portals, patterns, and icons that work as a system.By putting them together in different ways I formed illustrations that reflect the feeling of being in a funhouse/mueum.
Site titlepage
“We were really thinking about, How do we bring people in, awaken their creativity, dare them to dream bigger and provoke thought?" Gelardi said. "'Expand Your Reality' is sort of provoking people to step outside of their day-to-day and really be open to new experiences and new ideas."
Magenta Field, Reality Rendered Photo by Katherine Brice