Netflix: More Than Ads
Netflix content has never been just content.
It’s heart-pounding. Knee-slapping. Mind-melting. It’s let’s learn that dance and was it the owl and can I pull off a beret? It’s where ideas are discovered and iconic moments are made. When you advertise with us, you get so much more than ads. You get a chance to meet culture where it’s created, and connect with the most engaged audience on the planet. To be more relevant. More memorable. More than ads.
Just as we use our iconic Netflix red as a tool to create instant brand recognition, we’ll use color as a tool to organize information within this design system. With so much high quality content and data to share, a tonal color scheme will allow us to break it down so that our audience can digest it more easily.
Our typography system visually amplifies our messaging and creates easy-to-follow rules that ensure consistency across platforms and uses. It also establishes a clear hierarchy that makes dense information easier to digest.
Our applications are where it all comes together. At every touchpoint, we showcase the depth of our ads offering while creating moments of focus — and keep our audience coming back for more.
Team: Jack De Caluwe, Kurumi Yoshimoto, Kylie Freeman, McKenna Koon, Paola Delucca, Sammi Chancey, Sarah Corey, Xiyu Deng, Zac Miller